Yoga Retreat Brazil March 2011

The Retreat takes place from 9th -16th of March 2011 at the beautiful Costa Corais in the state of Alagoas.

You fly to the international airport of Recife. Here you are picked up by our friendly hosts, the Team of the Pousada Coté Sud
and taken to the hidden pousada, 150 km south of Recife right at the beach. Having settled in your hammock taking in the smells of the djungle and the ocean breeze awaits you a week of indulging in pure nature, fabulous beaches and Yoga.
We start fresh into the day with 1,5 hours of powerful, dynamic Yoga in the morning and a calm 45- minute practice
in the evening including meditation and exercises of self reflection. All classes are built up in a consecutive way allowing
you to travel on an inner journey of growth, liberation and renewal.




Imke teaches Spirit Yoga, a deeply rooted and dynamic  Vinyasa-Flow style, which conveys the profound Yoga philosophy in a lively and modern manner so students can integrate it into their lives. Through the combination of powerful postures and deep breathing techniques the practice has a meditative effect. Imke is Yoga Alliance certified and teaches Yoga in Berlin.The Yoga classes are suitable for beginners wanting to jump start their Yoga practice as well as advanced students who want to reenergize themselves and their practice.

Info and Registration Yoga Retreat Brazil 2011
Description of the place, Yoga program, Registration form
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.8 MB


PRICE: 850 € p.P. in double room
EARLY BIRD BOOKING UNTIL 1 DECEMBER: 800 € p.P. in double room


Price includes:
* 7 nights in double room with garden view
* Half board:Breakfast&Dinner Buffet, Soft Drinks
* Transfer service: Airport Recife – Pousada Coté
   do Sud
– Airport Recife
* Boat trip to the natural pools of Galés
* 1.5 h Solar Flow Yoga (mornings) and 1h Lunar
  Yoga (evenings) with meditation & Yoga nidra.
Flight not included. For your special group fare please contact a.s.a.p..

We speak German, English, Portuguese and French - but all forms of communication are welcome.

SPECIAL FLIGHT FARES AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS are available for you at the Travel Agency Globotur, speak to Vinícius da Silva. Joachim-Friedrichstraße 3, 10711 Berlin Tel: 0049 30 21964823. Please transfer total sum to: Globotur, José Da Silva - Deutsche Bank BLZ 100 700 24 Kto. 654239


We look forward to welcoming you and taking care of you in Alagoas, making sure that you will have a magnificent and unforgetable stay with us.


Imke Wangerin (Retreat Organisation, Yoga

Vinicius da Silva (Travel Organizer


Would you like further information? Contact me with any query you might have.

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